Parola «The» [ Frequenza = 115 ]

Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 05.html

 L'altro comprese la facezia e si mise a ridere, dicendo: Peut ètre, peut ètre! - Intanto si fece ad esaminare lo stato dell'infermo e gli disse che al mal di mare erasi aggiunta la febbre, cagionata da traspirazione soppressa, e che una bibita dì the gli avrebbe fatto bene.


 Charles, attento agli ordini del dottore, in brevi istanti apparecchiò a D. Bosco un'ottima tazza di the, di lì a poco un'altra e poi un'altra.

Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 11.html

 Al mattino sono serviti di caffè o di the.

Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 12.html

 Ecco ciò che loro si passa; caffè o the al mattino; minestra, pietanza, e frutta agli altri pasti, e ciascuno ne ha finchè vuole; per dormire hanno un lungo camerone e ciascuno ha un copertone da coprirsi e nient'altro.


 A tavola poi quelli di seconda classe (e fra questi sei dei nostri, non trovandosi più posto in prima classe) hanno un po' più di quei di terza; caffè o the al mattino, in cui, se vogliono, possono bagnare un crostone, e poi due o tre qualità di frutta.

Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 13.html

 [254] The independence of the Holy See.

Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 15.html

 We have heard that you yourself and your great army of children have been praying for the health of our little son..


 May I ask you to accept the enclosed offering of L. 4°.00 as a small help to your great undertaking..


 We have heard too of the great works you are carrying on and the account of them has filled us with great interest.


 I have the honour to be.


 Of those you name French is the one I can read with least difficulty..


 I have the honour to be.

Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 17.html

 I send you the paragraph you asked for, and am glad to be able to contribute even so small an item to the Life of your Saint..


 I was at the English College and left it in 1882.


 In the days of St.


 Philip Neri, it is recorded, the students of the English College (the Venerabile), who used to be greeted by the Saint with Salvete flores Martyrum, had the custom of going to ask his blessing before going on the mission.


 That student gave up the faith on the scaffold.


 The Saint was Don Bosco, and I have always regretted that we did not discover him a year or two sooner..


 The next year (on perhaps the year after) one of my fellow students (the Rev. I. S. Chapman) wrote to me, "We have discovered a Saint, and have decided to resume the old custom of going for a blessing".


 If the Bishop of Leeds (D. Cowgill) has recovered from his present illness, perhaps he will confirm this statement.


 The Monastery, Sea Point, 11-2-35.


 [99] The Universe di Londra, 18 maggio 1934, in un articolo intitolato: A Memory of 5o years ago in Turin [Un ricordo di cinquant'anni fa a Torino]..


 [405] The Month, gennaio 1884, in un articolo intitolato Don Bosco, pag.

Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 18.html

 Sulle pareti vi aveva cartelloni portanti in lettere grandi varie iscrizioni, e fra le altre: W. the Queen! (viva la regina!), W.


 the Repubblica! Ci dissero che serve anche a uso di scuola per gli Indi.


 I am glad to be able to send you a few of the interesting particu­lars which I am continually receiving from Patagonia and the other numerous Missions already opened in South America, and to place before you at the same time a few sketches of fresh enterprises, which the urgent wants of this distant people invite us to undertake as soon as possible..


 Now that our Missioners have traversed the immense plains of Patagonia from the Atlantic Ocean to the Cordilliers, and twice crossed over those famous mountains on their way to Chili, - in­structing and baptizing various tribes of savages as they went, at the cost.


 of innumerable provations and perils, - now I say, under the powerful protection of Mary Help of Christians, the time has come when we should take under serious consideration the means [716] of consolidating, perpetuating and vigorously advancing the good work already commenced..


 For those tribes, pacified and converted to the true Faith, having once tasted the.charms of a civilized and christian life, are mot to be contented with the mere passing visits of an apostolic Missionary, though it be he who has called them from their social misery to the genial light of the Gospel.


 Naturally enough they desire to have him continually amongst them, not only to direct, instruct and console them through life, but also and more especially to be by him assisted in sickness, and comforted by his hope-ispiring presence on the eve of entering the uncertain passage which leads to eternity..


 Cagliero Vicar­Apostolic of Patagonia, cannot bear to see the rites and comforts of our holy religion denied to those poor savages, who, notwithstanding their primitive degradation, are yet his dear children in Jesus Christ.


 For in order to establish fixed residences for Missioners in the Patagonian desert according as the natives unite in colonies or villages, he obviously requires a much greater number, of priests, catechists and mums, as also a goodly store of household chattels, provisions and diverse articles, indispensable both for daily sustenance and divine worship..


 They themselves want everything, even to be clothed and maintained, especially in the first stages of their conversion..


 Those poor neophites, though willing to assist us; can offer nothing to our Missioners save the sad spectacle of their deplorable misery.


 Hence the Mission is entirely dependent on the 'Pious Salesian Society and the Charity of our Co-operators. And should we for this lose courage?.


 Oh no! On the contrary, let us redouble our exertions in pro of this charitable undertaking which we have already laboured so much for..


 I also feel pleasure in participating to you, that (in order to render more secure the entire conversion of Patagonia) we have resolved to open a way on the Western side of Chili, and already a band of Salesians have gone there to found a college in the city of Conception..


 spreading themselves later on, little by little in Terra-del-Fuego and the Archipelagoes of Chiloe and Magellan, peopled all by innumerable tribes without even an idea of religion or civilization...


 Fagnano, who at present is visiting t he Malvine Isles, intends to explore every islet down to Cape Horn, studying at the same time the positions better adapted whereon to pitch the tents of the mew crusaders who soon are going to join him..


 [717] and by the native inhabitants themselves, to send out fresh and mot inconsiderable reinforcements of men and money..


 He himself requires a goodly number for the Mission I have confides to his care in the vast Bra­zilian Empire, more extensive in itself than the whole of Europe together, and peopled almost exclusively by savages who range the immense forest of their native plains, languishing through ages for some friendly hand to draw them out of the ignominious barbarity in which they have been entombed for centuries, and which they may yet be condemned to for who knows how many generations, if the zeal of the Missionary, sustained by the charity of the faithful, does mot come to succour and liberate them..


 Louis Lasagna has returned from that distant land precisely to plead and make better known the wants and - thanks be to God - encouraging condition of our American Missions; nor has he neglected any means by whih hec might induce us to pre­pare this time also a numerous expedition of Salesian Priests and Nuns of Mary Help of Christians.


 But as our dear Co-operators may easily understand, the outfitting of so numerous a body incurs an enormous expenditure in Sacred articles and vestments, in clothing and habiliments generally, in church ornaments, school furniture and household utensils, with­out speaking of the not indifferent and more pressing expenses of baggage and travelling both by sea and land.


 Confiding in the prompt assistance and generous supplies of our Benefactors, we hope to be able to furnish at least some forty or fifty young messengers of peace and of the kingdom of heaven.


 Induced by those powerful motives, we have decided to prepare a fresh band of Missioners who will get forth, D. V., towards the end of November.


 Co-operators, in your generosity, that as you have succoured me in the past, you may also come to my aid in the present expedition.


 Wherefore I make a fresh appeal to your charity; harken to the Missioner's voice and the imploring cry which arises from hundreds of thousands of abandoned wretches in those far distant regions! Once more I implore our Benefactors to render us practicable this new expedition by assisting us in especial manner with their fervent prayers and with whatever offering they can send us, either in linen or linen-garments, in cloth or clothing, in church furniture or sacred vessels, or better still in money with which to defray the expenses of travelling and transport of luggage both by land and sea, - in short with whatever alms their piety suggests and their condition permits..


 At the Oratory in Turin, whence our Missionaries will set forth, we shall receive with gratitude whatever your industrious charity may think well to consacrate to this generous undertaking.


 [718] On the day selected for the departure of the Missioners I intend to confer with my beloved Co-operators in the Sanctuary of Mary Help of Christians, and while I now invite you, I cannot help begging you to have the goodness to search amongst your acquaintances and friends, whoever might desire to concur with his mite to this work of humanity and faith..


 We will inscribe your name and theirs in the registers of our Pious Institution, to remember them every day in our prayers, to implore from heaven copious benedictions upon you and upon all those who benefit us, upon your families and upon your undertakings, confident that God will inscribe them in the Book of Life, the Book of the Predestined, for, as St.


 Mary Help of Christians, Protectrix and Mother of our Missioners and of the poor Patagonian savages, obtain from God for you every most desirable Benediction both spiritual and temporal..


 Chaplain of the Forces..


 An attempt is being made to draw their children from the faith, and the parents are most anxious for a priest who can look after them..


 Monteith of Carstairs, was always hoping to be able to introduce into the Archdiocese the Pious Salesian Society..


 Some years ago I had the pleasure of meeting you in Rome.


 I should have been more solicitous in thanking Your Grace for the marked benevolence [800] with which you have honoured our Pious Society and my poor person in particular.


 I have taken the liberty of transmitting Yout Grace's letter to my Vicar-General, Don Rua, who I hope may be able to find a good zealous priest willing to take charge of our Compatriots in Glasgow..


 I am sorry to be obliged to inform Your Grace that the Rules of our Society do not permit of our sending one of our members alone.


 I have the honour to profess myself,.

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