Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 05.html |
A005005344 |
Igitur de Omnipotentis Dei misericordia ac B. B. Petri et Pauli Apostolorum ejus auctoritate confisi, tibi et deinceps ad Triennium proximum tantum, dummodo ad excipiendas sacramentales Christi fidelium confessiones sis approbatus, extra urbem ac de consensu Ordinarii tui (quem nisi obtinueris has litteras nullas volumus) cruces et sacra numismata cum applicatione indulgentiae plenariae in mortis articulo consequendae, nec non coronas precatorias cum applicatione indulgentiarum S. Birgittae nuncupatac, privatim in forma Ecclesiae consueta benedicere possis et valeas auctoritate Apostolica tenore praesentium, concedimus et indulgemus. |
Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 08.html |
A008009862 |
Quod autem attinet ad Constitutiones istius Societatis S. Francisci Salesii, probe noscis huiusmodi negotium a Nobis commissum fuisse Nostrae Congregationi negotiis Episcoporum et Regularium praepositae, cuius adjutricem operam ad has res tractandas ac noscendas adhibere solemus. |
Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 09.html |
A009010681 |
Nos igitur salubres has frugiferasque memorati dilecti filii curas plurimum commendantes, quo Sodalitas ista maiora in dies, Deo iuvante, suscipiat incrementa, de Omnipotentis Dei misericordia, ac BB. Petri et Pauli App. |
Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 12.html |
A012007335 |
Decernentes has Litteras Nostras validas, firmas et efficaces existere et foce, suosque plenarios et integros effectus sortiri et obtinere, dictisque in omnibus et per omnia plenissime. |
A012007344 |
Decernentes has Litteras Nostras firmas, validas, et efficaces existere et fore, suosque plenarios et íntegros effectus sortiri et obtinere, dictisque in omnibus et per omnia plenissime suffragari, sicque in praemissis per quoscumque Iudices Ordinarios et delegatos etiam Causarum Palatii Apostolici Auditores iudicari et definiri debere, ac irritum et inane, si secus super bis a quoquam quavis auctoritate scienter vel ignoranter contigerit atten tari., Non obstantibus in contrarium facientibus quibuscumque.. |
Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 13.html |
A013007106 |
Decernentes has Literas Nostras firmas, validas et efficaces existere ac. |
Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 15.html |
A015006575 |
This good news of such great kindness coming as it does from those so far away from us and upon whose generous sympathy we have no claim has touched my wife and myself very deeply. |
A015006575 |
We have heard too of the great works you are carrying on and the account of them has filled us with great interest. |
Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 17.html |
A017004551 |
If the Bishop of Leeds (D. Cowgill) has recovered from his present illness, perhaps he will confirm this statement. |
Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 18.html |
A018003969 |
of innumerable provations and perils, - now I say, under the powerful protection of Mary Help of Christians, the time has come when we should take under serious consideration the means [716] of consolidating, perpetuating and vigorously advancing the good work already commenced.. |
A018003970 |
For those tribes, pacified and converted to the true Faith, having once tasted the.charms of a civilized and christian life, are mot to be contented with the mere passing visits of an apostolic Missionary, though it be he who has called them from their social misery to the genial light of the Gospel. |
A018003971 |
But he has neither sufficient staff nor means to satisfy their ardent desire. |
A018003979 |
Louis Lasagna has returned from that distant land precisely to plead and make better known the wants and - thanks be to God - encouraging condition of our American Missions; nor has he neglected any means by whih hec might induce us to prepare this time also a numerous expedition of Salesian Priests and Nuns of Mary Help of Christians. |
A018005324 |
It has occurred to me that you would be able to find us a priest for this purpose; or even to send us, for a time at least, a member of your community.. |
A018006711 |
- Bien, bien, Dime, ¿deseas decir tu los pecados ó quieres que yo te diga los que has cometido?. |
A018006720 |
Pues, mira, tu has hecho el tal pecado en tal lugar, con tal compañero. |
A018006734 |
También Don Bosco fijó sus ojos en el animal y diciéndole: - Muy bien, gris, te has portado siempre bien con Don Bosco -, le dió un pedacito de pan. |