Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 06.html |
A006001750 |
Scrisse il Barone De Bazancourt nella sua storia L'Expedition de Crimee. |
Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 18.html |
A018003979 |
Louis Lasagna has returned from that distant land precisely to plead and make better known the wants and - thanks be to God - encouraging condition of our American Missions; nor has he neglected any means by whih hec might induce us to prepare this time also a numerous expedition of Salesian Priests and Nuns of Mary Help of Christians. |
A018003981 |
Co-operators, in your generosity, that as you have succoured me in the past, you may also come to my aid in the present expedition. |
A018003981 |
Wherefore I make a fresh appeal to your charity; harken to the Missioner's voice and the imploring cry which arises from hundreds of thousands of abandoned wretches in those far distant regions! Once more I implore our Benefactors to render us practicable this new expedition by assisting us in especial manner with their fervent prayers and with whatever offering they can send us, either in linen or linen-garments, in cloth or clothing, in church furniture or sacred vessels, or better still in money with which to defray the expenses of travelling and transport of luggage both by land and sea, - in short with whatever alms their piety suggests and their condition permits.. |
A018004006 |
Durch diese kráftigen Beweggründe bewogen, haben wir für den nachsten November diè Expedition einer neuen Schar der Missionáre beschlossen, welche wenigstens die Zahl von dreissig erreichen werden und kônnen sie sogar übersteigen, wenn die Beisteuer der Wohltháter zu rechter ' Zeit und reichlich zu uns werden angelangt werden sein.. |
A018004007 |
[721] Indesseu ersuche ich Euch, verehrte Mitarbeiter and Mitarbeiterinnen, uns diese neue Expedition zu ermöglichen durch Gebete and durch Gaben, die verabfolgt werden kónnen in Geweben, Weisszeug, Tuch and Kleidung, in Kirchengeräthen and heiligen gefässen and vorziiglich in Geld, womit wir die Reisexosten bestreiten kónnten, and endlich in irgend welchem Aluosen, jenachden es Euch Eure Barnherzigkeit eingiebt unn Eure Kräfte gestatten.. |